Bunker Raker 2017
This is a new and improved version of my Bunker Raker screensaver I made back in 2014. It's running on a C platform with OpenGL allowing me to do a lot more fancy rendering techniques. It also has a much more complicated and robust algorithm for deciding the lines to rake. It will eventually be able to take any boolean pixel map that represents a bunker and choose lines to rake the centers and skirts. I'm still working on all the proof of concept for the math so the graphics are placeholder for now.
Source Code can be found at: https://bitbucket.org/stampede247/bunkerraker2017

Const Port
Const Port is a simple application for reading and writing to COM ports in windows. The goal is to make a really smooth experience for reading debug output from Microcontrollers and other embedded hardware. Everything is written in basic C++ with GLFW and GLEW as the only two external dependencies. Everything is rendered in basic OpenGL. Font rendering is done through STB TrueType. Currently only works on Windows but the application portion is set up to be easily portable to other platforms that support GLFW/GLEW.
Status: In development
Working: Yes
Finished: No
Polished: Kinda

DirectX Voxel Engine
This engine was an attempt at experimenting with voxel engines in a story driven game. The entire game was written using only DirectX9, DirectSound, and Windows APIs. The architecture of the game was inspired by Handmade Hero, supporting reloadable code, batch file building, and almost 100% written by a single person.
This project was in development throughout 2016 but is currently not being worked on. It was a good test platform for experimenting with DirectX and 3D mechanics however the design goals were never fully decided upon.
Status: Unfinished
Working: Yes
Finished: No
Polished: No

Bitmap Font Creator
This is a project I worked on for about a month in C++ using OpenGL. It was designed to help me create meta-data for bitmap fonts.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: Mostly
Polished: A little

This was a game me and my friend Penn worked on for Sh*t Jam 2015 (#shtjam2015). It's incomplete but it was definitely a lot of fun to work on and helped a lot with knowing what I need to stream line in my future projects.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: No
Polished: No

Movie Manager
I needed a program to manage and keep track of info about my digital copies of my movie library so I decided to make this. It's not terribly versatile, and might not be as reliable on all platforms and scenarios but it serves my purposes and if it can serve yours as well then by all means feel free to use it.
Status: Working
Working: Yes
Finished: Kinda
Polished: No

Pixelz (OpenTK)
I've recently restarted on my Pixelz project in OpenTK to provide myself with the functionality that I need for creating pixel art. It's nowhere near finished but it is in active development. I just added an Outline Tool which works kind of like the paint bucket but only fills in the pixels at the edge of an area.
Update 1: Just updated to a new version that uses Gwen Dot Net. (A rewrite for the Gwen UI in C#). Everything works much nicer now.
Status: Working
Working: Yes
Done: No
Polished: No

This was a quick proof of concept project I made of sudoku in OpenTK. I wanted to research some of the algorithms used to create valid sudoku grids.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: Yes
Polished: No

Anagram Game
This was a short project I worked on a while back to try and learn about spell checking libraries and dictionaries available on the web. It's a simple console application what allows you to enter any word (or string of characters) and it will search through it's dictionaries and find all anagrams of the word that are 3 letters or more. You can then choose to play the anagram game and try to find all the words yourself.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: Yes
Polished: Yes (Though I could have made a graphical UI)

Block World
This is a project I have worked on for a while making a voxel engine with custom GLSL effects. It has worked as a nice platform for experimenting with things in 3D and therefore the code is horribly ugly with so many things tacked on. At some point I want to make a tutorial on how to make a voxel engine like this.
Status: Working
Working: Yes
Finished: No
Polished: No

Block Dude Remake
This was a project I worked on mainly as an example to a classmate in order to explain how to do some cool things in the console window without any graphical libraries.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: Yes
Polished: Yes

Pretty Curves
This was a mix between a proof of concept and screensaver. The program simply draws splines until it hits a pre-existing spline and then starts another from a random point on another spline. Unfortunately, at least on windows 7, OpenGL has problems rendering correctly when started by windows as a .scr file so it doesn't actually make a great screensaver. It's nice to watch though still.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: Yes
Polished: Yes

This was a proof of concept for drawing Bezier curves. ("D" = enable debug draw)
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: Yes
Polished: Yes

Platformer POC
This was one of the first projects I made with SFML in C++. It was a simple Proof of Concept testing how the code would have to be setup in C++ for a simple platformer.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: Yes
Polished: No

This was a solitaire remake that I worked on for a long while polishing and adding functionality. It's one of the most complete projects I've worked on in OpenTK. It has some nice features like undo, shift-click auto place, and auto-complete once all cards are on the board and flipped over.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: Yes
Polished: Yes

Bunker Raker 2000
This was a sort of gag that I made for my brother since we both worked at a golf course together. One of the daily jobs was to rake bunkers. The job was tedious and boring but I couldn't help but imagine how I would make a program that could do it for me. It's not perfect but it definitely served as a nice screensaver for a while and gave my brother a laugh when he tried it out.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: Yes
Polished: No

Circle v. Polygon POC
This was a proof of concept I worked on for perfecting a 2D collision system between a circle and convex/concave polygons. It's not perfect but it got the job done that I needed.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: No
Polished: No

Node Graph POC
This was another proof of concept I made for testing out path finding based on a 2D node graph. The methods are not quite optimized but they are successful in finding the correct path most of the time.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: No
Polished: No

Complex Platfomer POC
This project was my go at following the tutorials posted here by the people that made the wonderful N flash game. This was one my favorite games a kid and I was always amazed at how fluid and nice the platforming felt with such seemingly complex mechanics. Turns out they use an only slightly enhanced version of what I already knew how to do but there's some wonderful optimizations and topics they talk about in their tutorials there. I highly recommend checking them out. My movement mechanics don't work great in this but the collision works fine.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: No
Polished: No

Line v. Rectangle
This was a simple, fast, POC that I made for testing out a new way to find collision positions between a rectangle and line segment.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: No
Polished: No

Alien Invasion
This was my first game made in OpenTK. It's also very similar to the first game I made in XNA.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: No
Polished: No

Princess Dungeon Smasher (Game Maker)
This is the game maker version of Princess Dungeon Smasher that I worked on for a while. This project actually happened long after I moved away from game maker for XNA. The reason I went back was for the cross platform capabilities that Game Maker now had.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: No
Polished: No

This was one of the last large projects I worked on in XNA. I wanted to make a pixel art editing program. It's pretty broken at the moment but you can still successfully use it a little bit. Requires XNA 3.1 redistributable.
Status: Done
Working: Kinda..
Finished: No
Polished: No

Block Dude Remake (XNA)
This was the original remake I made of Block Dude in XNA. There are lot's of missing parts like the menu drawing and door sprite but other than that the game works as expected.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: No
Polished: No

Drawing (XNA/ZuneHD)
This was a regular XNA project that I made and had planned to port to the Zune. It was a fairly straightforward drawing app. It didn't get terribly far but it was one of the first projects I experimented with transitions, game states, and shader effects (though they were done on the CPU manually and took FOREVER).
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: No
Polished: Kinda

This was one of the first full-scale planned platformer I made. I had wanted to make something exploration based like Untitled Story. Never really got too far on the project though. I spent most of the time messing with the terrible "editor".
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: No
Polished: No

Japanese Test
I was in High School when I made this and needed to study for a test but also wanted to program. So I of course decided to do both. It's simply a hiragana matching game.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: Yes
Polished: No

Not sure where I got the name from.. After failing to create a cool world with the "Exploritory" platformer I decided to try the art style that "Untitled Story" went for. I had decent result but the work flow eventually killed me and I never got far.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: No
Polished: Kinda

Pacman Snake
In my programming class in high school many of the completed projects got hosted on the school server and could be played during free time. There was one snake game, similar to this one, that somebody a few years before me had made in a terrible c++ homebrew engine but everybody loved it because it had a high score system that was constant throughout the school. I hated the original so I decided to make my own new and improved version in XNA. It's probably one of the most polished games I ever made, even though the graphics are terrible.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: Yes
Polished: Yes

RPG Engine 1.0
This was the first of many attempts made to complete a working RPG engine. I have always been a fan of old school RPGs like Final Fantasy and Legend of Dragoon and so I would always try every now and then to create an RPG engine of my own so that I might create something similar to my favorite games. However the scope of the project was always way outside my reach. Over the years though I feel like I'm getting ever closer to being able to manage a project of this scale and maybe one day I will make something like RPG Maker.
Status: Done
Working: Kinda
Finished: No
Polished: No

This was a project I worked on very shortly, experimenting with some different takes on the classic snake game.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: No
Polished: No

Ten Day Survival
One week during high school I challanged a friend of mine to a game making competition. We decided that we would both make a survival game in 10 days and have people rate which one was the best. Neither of us finished our projects but it was definitely a fun time creating these and talking about them. The ending here still makes me laugh, something about it was just so cinematic.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: No
Polished: Kinda

Top Down Game
One summer me and a friend decided to collaborate on this project. It was one of the first large scale projects that I embarked on and we probably spent more time on it than any other project. It failed horribly because of our own terrible code design but the amount we were able to accomplish before then was kind of cool. The editor was inspired by the in game editor for Braid.
Status: Done
Working: Kinda
Finished: No
Polished: No

Tower Game 2
This project was made for a Game Design competition held under the Technology Student Association (TSA). It was one of the first 'Complete' projects I ever made but only because I was forced to complete it to be able to enter into the competition. The game won 2nd at state but didn't place nationally because the rules of the competition required the game to run "from the disc" and since the game was made in XNA it had to have the XNA redistributable installed which was against the rules. It's a neat idea for a game though that I have considered coming back to.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: Yes
Polished: Kinda

First Person Game
This was the first 3D game I made in XNA. It had really simple AABB collision and a 3D gun model that was not placed correctly on the screen.
Status: Done
Working: Yes
Finished: No
Polished: No